Friday 27 January 2012

harapan goodwill ان شأالله


Goodwill is related to public relation for a branded equity in an organization, (Kiesco & Weygrandt, 1992) due to its inclusiveness, incorporated values and intangible assets which will become part of quality or favorable items of the organization.

Goodwill also becomes a measurement of outsider’s attitudes towards the organization. The outsiders are made up of the stake holders, customers, clients, investors and the communities surrounding the organization.

Due to the above outsider’s measurement, the organization managements or scientist need to care these attitudes from the various groups of people mentioned.(Klien & Leffler,1981). These attitudes can be grouped under two categories, the negatives and the positive attitudes. The positive attitudes is considered to give a benefit and value added to the organization, else the negatives attitudes need to be taken care off  which may incurred cost for the action plan to be taken for the implementation and improvement activities such as advertising, promotion, engaging consultant. Follow up need to be done to analysis the results of the actions for bench marking purposes and further action to be taken as mentioned by Fombrun and Shanley (1990).

In the customer’s oriented organization, the customer’s attitudes towards the satisfaction of the products or services clearly become the most important goodwill. The attitudes of satisfaction can be improving through the marketing activities and the customers services of the organization.
This marketing plan should be divided into the short term, medium term and long term to sustain the positive attitudes or the goodwill.

The dissatisfaction or disconfirm by the customers can be called “ The Expectancy Disconfirmation Model” where customers does not satisfied with the performance or the quality of product or service. The dissatisfaction can be divide three possible states, the positive disconfirm, the negative disconfirm and the zero disconfirms (Oliver.1997). This three state will affect the organizational businesses either to increase, to decrease or maintaining as before.

Other factors effecting the attitudes or goodwill are the quality practices in the organization which made up of the workers behavior towards external customers and internal customers in the organization. The internal customers are the workers in the organization form different department and levels. The satisfaction on the remuneration and beneficiary given by the organization  will become major impact to the workers attitudes and emotion, feeling toward the organization which need to be consider and taken care off  very seriously.

A lot of studies had been made to find out the attitudes of employees towards the organization to addresses the status and to find out the weaknesses, the action plan to be taken for improvement.
As a result of the improvement will correlated to the improvement of customer’s attitudes and rise up the sales.

As the conclusion, it can be said that the satisfaction of employees or workers do have a correlation with the external and internal customers of the organization that will directly proportional to the organization status or businesses.


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