Hadis qudsi
Allah Taala
berfirman ...
jadilah seperti
burung yang terbang bersendirian...ia makan buah buahan dari pohon kayu dan
minum dari air bersih
Apabila petang/
male telah tiba ia mencari tempat di sebuah gua di antara
cave yang banyak di hutan forest...كهف
Untuk berlindung
bersama Allah
dan menjauhi diri
dari orang derhaka zalimعصالى
Ya Musa...ALLAh
telah berjanji atas diri Ku ...اليتعلىنفسى
Sesungguhnya Aku
tak akan menyelesaikan tugas bagi pengatur المدبر
Ya Musa…Aku akan
patahkan angan angan orang yang berangan selain dari Allah.
Aku akan celakakan
orang yang bergantung kepada orang lain selain dari Allah.
Aku akan sepi kan
yang lama kepada orang yang mencari Teman selain dari Allah.
Aku akan berpaling
dari orang yang cinta kan selain dari Allah…
Ya Musa
PADA Ku ada
HambaAllah yang Apabila berdoa dengan sir…sembunyi…berbisik zikir doa dan
solat. Maka Aku akan makbulkannya…dan maka kalau hamba Allah ni mengadap kepada
Allah maka Allah akan hampir dengannya.المقربين
Allah melindungi
insan muqarrobinالمقربين
Ahli zikir…
Allah membersihkan
kesalahan mereka kalau mereka ikhlas beramal untuk Allah
Allah membalas
sawabal akhirah untuk mereka ahli zikir muqarrobiin…
Ahli zikir berada
dalam perlindungan Allah…
Mereka Berasa iZZAh
KUAT BERSama Allah
Allah mengatur
semua urusan mereka…
Mengendali hati
Allah menguasai
keadaan mereka…
Allah menjadikan
hati mereka hanya tenang berzikir kepada Allah…
Zikir kepada Allah
adalah ubat penyembuh penyakit jiwa…
Allah menjadikan NUR bagi hati
insan ahli zikir almuqarrabiin...
Mereka tak akan
mencari Teman selain Allah dan tidak akan tetap kediaman mereka hanya kepada
Allah tempat mereka kembali...
Herbs study in hilly forest stand are inadequate andscarce
in literature. Refer to Hermani et all,2007 there are 6000 to 7000 herbs have
been determined in the nusantara and Malaysia.
Refered to Jabatan Hutan said that the lowland
dipterocarpaceae is the forest from family dipterocarpaceae which growth at
> 300 meter above sea level. Thus the hill forest is refer to the forest
family dipterocarpaceae which growth 300-750 above sea level.
As cited in Fakhrul Hatta 2003 said that The Krau forest
reserve for wildlife was gazetted since 1923.
The site study will be carried out in the forest stand Bukit
Tapah covering 200 hektar consisting by the group of Meranti Merah , Merbau and
Keruing in family Dipterocarpaceae in BM we called family Damar
History of Krau Forest and Wildlife Reserve in Temerloh District Phg Darul Makmur.
Krau forest reserve was gazetted since 1923 with the forest covering of 62395 ha equal to 623.95 km square and 603 km square nowadays after harvesting and Degazetted some of the forest stand here in 1969. Refered to Table 1
Bukit Tapah is located in Krau Reserve Lanchang Mukim
Semantan District of Temerloh.Th e reserve was managed by Jabatan Perlindungan
Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negera MERGASTUA (PERHILITAN)
1.1 Justification
An inadequate study of herbs in hill forest stand that citation
in systematic identification. There a lot of herbs grow in the shading of
meranti merah canopy at the rainforest floor.
As cited in Meor Ahmad Nizam 2003 said that
traditional medicine in malay community are practiced by elders, medicine men,
rural and native peoples. They are assumed to know about traditional medicine
and their medicinal plants. However the common name used to identify plants may
differ in different localities. Every district has differences in local and
common name.
The unsystematic identification and verification in naming of forest plants used by traditional medicinal practitionars in malay traditional medicine. The medicinal plants are mostly used in rural areas compared in urban areas. Most of the society where lives in urban areas do not know about medicines plants and traditional medicine. Traditional medicine have a much questionable about its effective, quality and their efficiency compared to modern medicine which have scientific method for preparation and its can get easily in the market such as pharmacy and clinic.
The unsystematic identification and verification in naming of forest plants used by traditional medicinal practitionars in malay traditional medicine. The medicinal plants are mostly used in rural areas compared in urban areas. Most of the society where lives in urban areas do not know about medicines plants and traditional medicine. Traditional medicine have a much questionable about its effective, quality and their efficiency compared to modern medicine which have scientific method for preparation and its can get easily in the market such as pharmacy and clinic.
The people believed and confident with medicinal practices,
which practiced by mu’alij a.k.a perawat As Syifa’ and the right muslim bomoh.
The malay traditional medicine practitioner depend on their knowledge and memory where continued from their family or generation. People approve the herbs remedial because its have advantages to cured much kind of diseases and illness with the bless by Allah.
The malay traditional medicine practitioner depend on their knowledge and memory where continued from their family or generation. People approve the herbs remedial because its have advantages to cured much kind of diseases and illness with the bless by Allah.
1.2 Objective
i. To identify the herbs in Bukit Tapah
ii. To determine the diversity and abundance of herbs spp
iii. To document the usage of herbs spp
2. Literature Review
As cited in Meor Ahmad Nizam 2003 said that traditional medicine is a science or practice in medicine and healthcare, which has been going on for generation to generation. It is imparted thru the verbal and written forms as well as, thru the practiced and belief of a community. This science is divided into two aspect that are spiritual and empirical. Traditional herbs medicines have evolved in their social and cultural setting through various at ages to the present. In some continental regions, traditional medicine has developed into well documentation and formally established system regularly used by large parts of the populations. In island community, traditional medicines have remain more confined to smaller cultural groups relatively contained within their community and linguistic environments. The herbs medicine also combine with the spell reading of ayatul qur’an with the iman to Allah who will cures the disease, inshaAllah
As cited in Meor Ahmad Nizam 2003 said that traditional medicine is a science or practice in medicine and healthcare, which has been going on for generation to generation. It is imparted thru the verbal and written forms as well as, thru the practiced and belief of a community. This science is divided into two aspect that are spiritual and empirical. Traditional herbs medicines have evolved in their social and cultural setting through various at ages to the present. In some continental regions, traditional medicine has developed into well documentation and formally established system regularly used by large parts of the populations. In island community, traditional medicines have remain more confined to smaller cultural groups relatively contained within their community and linguistic environments. The herbs medicine also combine with the spell reading of ayatul qur’an with the iman to Allah who will cures the disease, inshaAllah
2.1 Rain
Forest Ecology
Refered to Jabatan Hutan Semenanjung Malaysia,
as cited in Whitmore 1972 and Fakhrul Hatta
2003 classified the rainforest in Malaysia as
A. Lowland dipterokarp forest <300 meter above sea level;
B. Hill dipterokarp forest 300-750 m;
C. Upper hilly dipterokarp forest 750-900; .
D.Teja range mountain forest >1200meter a.s.l ;
E. Mountain forest.
Hopea spp, Keruing Dipterocarpus cornutus, D. baudii, Shorea
acuminate and Shorea ovalis are the family of dipterocarpaceae have grown in
lowland forest < 300 meter a.s.l. which known as lowland forest.
The elevation of 750 – 900 meter is hilly forest and 900
meter to 1200 is upper hilly forest. Resak, Meranti, Keruing and Meranti
Tembaga, Meranti Seraya etc have grown in the hill forest. Logging operation in
1969 in the north of the reserve such as Perlok ; eastern and southern of the
rerserve. Eastern boundary of the reserve nowadays become the Felda Jenderak
Selatan and southern boundary become the Felda Bukit Damar stake holder. Bukit
Damar is 1.5 km far from the reserve.
The implication of Felda stake holder oil palm plantation is
the decreasing in size of lowland forest stand at the southern boundary
According to Milton (1960) as cited in Fakhrul Hatta 2003
said that the "pencari getah jelutung" for chew gum are also active
in around this reserve.
Pencari madu Tualang also active in this forest reserve such
as ayah Nik and Tok Su sell the madu lebah Tualang in Kampung Cempaka and
kampung mempateh with the price of RM27 for 375 g.
Lowland forest which open for Felda in the almost fertilize soil. According to Steven 1967 mention that the eastern of Bukit Tapah were logged along side of the Krau river.
As cited in Fakhrul Hatta 2003 said that Steven1967 proposed
for gazzetting the reserve as Rizab Hidupan Liar Krau in 1960an.
The reserve is located in the dry season of monsoon timur
laut because it was located between Banjaran Timur in eastern and Banjaran
Titiwangsa in the western.
The annually rainfall was 1968 mm in Temerloh district. The heavy rainfall was in April to June and November. The average temperature is 26.4 degree Celcius annually in 1999, the data from Jabatan Kaji Cuaca, Temerloh
Average rainfall in 1986 to 1990 stated that the month of Novemebr is the highest i.e 219.8mm followed by September, 185.0mm; Disember 181.2mm and Oktober 178.5 mm
The month of Febraury is the lowest which stated 63.7mm. The
highest evaporation is occurred in Mac with 160.9mm followed by April 153.7mm
and Febraury 143.3mm.
Referred to Jabatan Kaji Cuaca District of Temerloh informed that the month of November is the lowest in evoparation but as the highest rainfall in the reserve.
As cited in Fakhrul Hatta 2003 said that there are 0.5 million hektar the forest stand around the krau forest reserve that managed by The Forest Department
Referred to Jabatan Kaji Cuaca District of Temerloh informed that the month of November is the lowest in evoparation but as the highest rainfall in the reserve.
As cited in Fakhrul Hatta 2003 said that there are 0.5 million hektar the forest stand around the krau forest reserve that managed by The Forest Department
According to Jabatan Hutan as cited in Fakhrul Hatta
2003 said that the Jabatan Hutan managed
1.4 million hectare of forest stand such as Hutan Simpan Som asshown in Table
The terrain in this reserve is around 45 meter to 2,108 meter above sea level. The southern
boundary and the the middle of this reserve are lowland dipterokarp forest. The
upper hilly and mountain forest /the mountain range located in noth western of
this reserve are with Gunung Benum the highest terrain.
Bukit Tapah 777 meter above sea level is located in the
southern of this reserve. The rivers which flowed through the reserve is Sungai
Krau, Sungai Lompat and Sungai Teris which known as anak Sungai Semantan. The
reserve is 60,338 hektar after logging operation in 1969. Harvesting of logs in
forest stand including the area of 1900 hektar at 1969 impact the northern of
the reserve boundry changing the landuse from wildlife reserve forest to the
aquaculture activity after the reserve was degazetted . The forest stand
covering of 156,607 hactare surround Krau Reserve which known as Hutan Simpan
managed by Forest Department of Daerah Raub.
The reserved was gazetted since 1923 with surrounding by 156,607 ha of primary forest stand managed by Jabatan Hutan Daerah Raub and Jabatan Hutan Daerah Temerloh nowadays.
The perimeter of the reserve is 136 km refered to ArcGis 3. Around the reserve are
i.. 14.5 percent is plantation such as Felda and for
agriculture purposes
ii. 267 percent for private plantation
iii. 58.65 percent covered by primary forest stand.
In 2009 there is The Agfro food Industry Sdn Bhd started the
plantation operation by planting the nadir fruit such as citrus limau nipis,
nangka etc in the southern of the reserve.
There are 12 thousand people live around the reserve. Refered to Banci Penduduk 1980 and 1991 the population of Phg State increase 2.72 percent. Three mukim around the reserve are mukim Semantan, Kerdau, Jenderak and Gali.
There are 12 thousand people live around the reserve. Refered to Banci Penduduk 1980 and 1991 the population of Phg State increase 2.72 percent. Three mukim around the reserve are mukim Semantan, Kerdau, Jenderak and Gali.
The lowland forest of the reseve consist of hornblende granit , sianit, pairoksin granit porphiri dan dioxide. This type of soil is fertilized naturally at the top soil.
North eastern of Gunung Benum consist of batu batan Trias and Lahar gunung berapi until reach to the elevation of 1000 meter above sea level. In Gunung Benum there is granite rock. Also the type of acidic soil in upper hilly forest.
There are 674 species of vegetation were determined in the lowland forest in this reserve. We believed that there are more than 674 species of vegetation grow in the reserve. May be 4000 species with 2400 species of wood trees such as meranti merah group, merbau and keruing.
The highly diversity of flora in the reserve is the indicator that there are a lot of herbs have grown in the forest stand of this reserve.
The herbs such as Tungkat Ali, Rempah Gunung, Akar Haji
Samad, Pasak Bumi, Medang Sarsi, Tungkat Ali Hitam etc have grown wellness in
the forest stand
2.1.1 Climatic factors Temperature Temperature
According to Richard 1963 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail
1994 said that in the highland tropic, there is a steady decrease in ambient
temperature with the increase in altitude. In the tropics, temperature decrease
at the rate of 0.4 degree to 0.7 degree celcius per 100 meter increase in
altitude. said However it varies with some factors which include the locality,
season and air humidity as refered to Dale 1963 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail
1994. Above 2500 meter , the rate decreases to 1.2 degree celcius per 300 meter
rise. Temperature affects plant due to its influence on their growth processes
and distribution.
According to Burgess 1975 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail said that the native mountain plant may die when transferred to the lowlands. The optimal temperature for photosynthesis for such plants are lower than for respiration, as such the highl lowland ambient temperature which wxceeds optimal for photosynthesis, increases respiration rate, leading to wet depletion. Rainfall
According to Wyatt-Smith 1963 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the topography plays an important role in determining the rainfall of an area. According to Richard 1964 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that maximum rainfall in tropical highlands occurs at altitudes where temperature is cold enough to the high mountains.
According to Smith 1963 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the rainfall reaches its maximum at the altitudes of 300 meter a.s.l. and beyond this it decreases. As cited in Zahari Haji Ismail there must been some moisture stress occured on the ridges. Thus it is very difficult to find meranti seraya on the foot of hills due to the occurance of heavy rainfall and lack of regular drought. intensity
According to grubb and whitemore 1969 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the frequency of fog or cloud in the rainforest is the most vital factor determining the distribution of the formation of vegetation types in the mountains.
According to Burgess 1975 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail said that the native mountain plant may die when transferred to the lowlands. The optimal temperature for photosynthesis for such plants are lower than for respiration, as such the highl lowland ambient temperature which wxceeds optimal for photosynthesis, increases respiration rate, leading to wet depletion. Rainfall
According to Wyatt-Smith 1963 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the topography plays an important role in determining the rainfall of an area. According to Richard 1964 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that maximum rainfall in tropical highlands occurs at altitudes where temperature is cold enough to the high mountains.
According to Smith 1963 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the rainfall reaches its maximum at the altitudes of 300 meter a.s.l. and beyond this it decreases. As cited in Zahari Haji Ismail there must been some moisture stress occured on the ridges. Thus it is very difficult to find meranti seraya on the foot of hills due to the occurance of heavy rainfall and lack of regular drought. intensity
According to grubb and whitemore 1969 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the frequency of fog or cloud in the rainforest is the most vital factor determining the distribution of the formation of vegetation types in the mountains.
The light intensity at 180 meter a.s.l in coastal hill rainforest measured by using lux meter at the forest floor is around 2 percent (whitemore and wong 1969) as cited in zahari haji ismail 1994. While inland hill forest is measured abaout 10 percent less sunshine than the plains (Burgess 1969).
The increasing fog frequency decreases light inthesity,
dampens the range of light intensities and generally exerts a moderating
influence on the annual variation pattern of light intensity (Brown 1919) as
cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994.
According to Robinwith 1951 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the most important use of light by plant is for photosynthesis, and the average actively growing land plant use only about 1 percent of visible emission for photosynthesis.
As cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that light intensity available in the forest floor around highland rainforest stand is adequate for the growth of herbs.
2.1.2 Humidity
As cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the humidity increase with altitude up to the fog belt regions (Burgess, 1969). According to Richard 1964 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the condition on the mountain rain forest, has found the zone of maximum humidity and highly evaporation increases.
2.1.3 Wind
As cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the amount of air movement affects the rate of evaporation and thus minimizing the temperature in the forest stand (Burgess 1969). Expected an increase in wind speed with elevation (Burgess, 1975). According to Smith 1965 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the highly wind speed occurs at the highly altitudes.
According to Richards 1964 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the both structure and floristic composition of the highland forests are partly determined by the wind speed and he suggested that wind may be one of the factors that cause the maximum drawfing of the vegetation on isolated peaks and ridges on highland and mountain forest.
2.1.4 Soil Physical Condition.
According to Robinwith 1951 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the most important use of light by plant is for photosynthesis, and the average actively growing land plant use only about 1 percent of visible emission for photosynthesis.
As cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that light intensity available in the forest floor around highland rainforest stand is adequate for the growth of herbs.
2.1.2 Humidity
As cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the humidity increase with altitude up to the fog belt regions (Burgess, 1969). According to Richard 1964 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the condition on the mountain rain forest, has found the zone of maximum humidity and highly evaporation increases.
2.1.3 Wind
As cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the amount of air movement affects the rate of evaporation and thus minimizing the temperature in the forest stand (Burgess 1969). Expected an increase in wind speed with elevation (Burgess, 1975). According to Smith 1965 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the highly wind speed occurs at the highly altitudes.
According to Richards 1964 as cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 said that the both structure and floristic composition of the highland forests are partly determined by the wind speed and he suggested that wind may be one of the factors that cause the maximum drawfing of the vegetation on isolated peaks and ridges on highland and mountain forest.
2.1.4 Soil Physical Condition.
As cited in Zahari Haji Ismail 1994 have written that there
is a significantly relationship between plant composition and soil
characteristics (Burgess 1975).
According to Richards 1964 as cited in Zahari haji ismail 1994 said that the soil at higher altitudes tend to be very shallow with thicker litter accumulation and contain bigger size rock due to the decrease of temperature and intense erosion which often result in very immature soils, especially on the steep slopes.
According to Richards 1964 as cited in Zahari haji ismail 1994 said that the soil at higher altitudes tend to be very shallow with thicker litter accumulation and contain bigger size rock due to the decrease of temperature and intense erosion which often result in very immature soils, especially on the steep slopes.
2.2 Biodiversity of
Herbs Analyse by Using Spec Diversity Software.
2.3The important of herbs study in hill forest stand
The important of Medicine Herbs Plan.There alot of herbs
grow up wellness in hill forest stand shading by group of Meranti Merah. Herbs
medicinal plant have the potential to cure disease. These medicinal plant are
able to cure, relief, cease and treat the disease. Thus this herbs plant source
widely used in traditional medicine Fortunately nowadays it started been used
in modern medication and treatment. Many scientist interserted to study on the
effectiveness and the potential of medicinal herbs plant in curing disease. May
among traditional medicinal practioner believed that tha substances produced by
herbs plant almost same with substance produced by human body. Thus human body
able to react with the substances with minimal effect.
According to WHO World Health Organization , almost 70 percent to 90 percent of the world population consumed the herbs mainly from developing and undeveloped country. Consuming the herbs because it is easily obtain and cheaper.
As cited in Latif 1994 said that in Malaysia there is more
than 1,230 species of flowered plant been used in traditional treatment.
2.4 Herbs Resource Pertaining to Economic
Refered to Mohd Shariff 2001 said as proof, community demand
towards ulam is increasing because of the awareness towards special properties
of ulam. He also said that in the year 2000 the ulam selling successfully
achieved about RM 3 million compared to RM1.3 million on year 1994.
Some herbs are medically useful, but the American public
would benefit from increased regulation. Manufacturers should be able to ensure
that herbs contain pure ingredients. Side effects and drug interactions should
be listed. Well-designed studies are being conducted. The results will be
helpful to physicians and patients when the clinical evidence becomes
As cited in Hezliyana Husin 2003 said that based on data
provided by Kementerian Perusahaan Utama said
that hebs and aromatic industry could help encouraging our country’s
economy when its market value marked at RM4.5 bilion a years.
Herbs and aromatic industry will becoming a new commodity
besides palm oil, rubber and crude oil. Unfortunately five percent of market
used by local product because of unadequate
in commercializing the herbs.
As cited in Hairul Azim Mahmud 2002 said that the commodity in this country plat herbs merely for their own use and not for the international market, for example Tongkat Ali Eurycoma longifolia, Kacpi Fatimah Labisia pumila and Pegaga Centella asiatica are among the thousands of hebs or effective medicine in curing various disease. Herbs are widely used in health care for ages until today. All these plants have been growing in our country in healthy and wellness in primary hilly forest stand, is the most suitable climate for herbs ecology.
Tongkat Ali is the herb in family Simarousbacaea, also known as Penawar pahit, Bedara, Tongkat baginda, Pasak bumi a.k.a Tongkat Ali Hitam or Tunjang Bumi refered to certain states in Malaysia.
Among the benefits of Tongkat Ali is the bitter stock
extracted from the skin of its root which could be used as a tonic for
postnatal mothers.
Besides its root extract usefull to anti malaria activities cause by protozoa, there is a lot of its benefit and the most popular is it could increase men’s sex performance.
Besides its root extract usefull to anti malaria activities cause by protozoa, there is a lot of its benefit and the most popular is it could increase men’s sex performance.
Kacip Fatimah Labisia pumila is the herbs from family Myrsinaceae. This herbs is easily found in the primary hill forest stand.
In traditionally medicine, this herbs is normally boiled and
served as a drink to pregnant women to ease the process of labor; it could also
effective as a cure to flatulence, dysentery and problems during period and sex
Pegaga is the herbs from family Umbelliferae a slender and herbs with long stalked, green kidney-shape leaves.
Refered to Razak Hj Lajis 1996 said that Petai Parkia
speciosa is very much favoured by Malaysian especially in the villege people.
Despite its pungent smell, it could cure diabetes, heart and kidney disease.
Petai is tall and big tree, which normally grows wild in forest. Ginger Zinger
officinale is also identified to be used in curing kembung perut and could
release gas/ wind in body. Young ginger can be made ulam and could be eaten as
ulam or could be made as juice. It could also cure headaches
2.5 Link Between Traditional and Modern Medicine
Actually Traditional and modern medicine share a common resources. They both utilize plants, animal, microorganism or minerals. These resources may be found either on and or in the sea.
As cited in Haliza 1996 said that the traditional medicine and modern medicine originates resource from similar raw reasources. These may be dried herbs or parts of plants, animals, the extract of which is used in treatments. In traditional medicines, these ingredients are eaten directly or boiled to extract the active chemical compounds in concentrated form. Malaysia the developing country is rich with the natural herbs resources inhabited inside the rain forest stand especially in meranti forest stand.
Traditional and alternative medicines in Malaysia appear to be finding appreciation by some modern practitioner, as they seek to understand their patient’s expectations and treatment seeking behavior. A clinician provides hid own interface with colleagues to determine their assessment of the alternative herbs medicinal treatment services used by country mu’alij who utilize both traditional and modern health care despite professional misgivings. It is clear that patients have their own reasons for doing so.
The explainations for this are provided partly from traditional practices as comfirmed by scientific research evidences, for example as cited in Azimahtol Hawariah’s 1994 said that the herbs plant derive for medicinal treatment such as the natural anticarcinogen products in the treatment of malignancies.
Actually Traditional and modern medicine share a common resources. They both utilize plants, animal, microorganism or minerals. These resources may be found either on and or in the sea.
As cited in Haliza 1996 said that the traditional medicine and modern medicine originates resource from similar raw reasources. These may be dried herbs or parts of plants, animals, the extract of which is used in treatments. In traditional medicines, these ingredients are eaten directly or boiled to extract the active chemical compounds in concentrated form. Malaysia the developing country is rich with the natural herbs resources inhabited inside the rain forest stand especially in meranti forest stand.
Traditional and alternative medicines in Malaysia appear to be finding appreciation by some modern practitioner, as they seek to understand their patient’s expectations and treatment seeking behavior. A clinician provides hid own interface with colleagues to determine their assessment of the alternative herbs medicinal treatment services used by country mu’alij who utilize both traditional and modern health care despite professional misgivings. It is clear that patients have their own reasons for doing so.
The explainations for this are provided partly from traditional practices as comfirmed by scientific research evidences, for example as cited in Azimahtol Hawariah’s 1994 said that the herbs plant derive for medicinal treatment such as the natural anticarcinogen products in the treatment of malignancies.
The production of traditional medical herb products in
Malaysia has taken on such vital, clinically and economically that the
government has established guidelines for safety pertaining to appealing and
challenging with its strong economic and treatment implication. As cited in Nik
Aziz 1999 focus on the key issues related to the vital pharmacological aspects
in the determination of safe products for producers, sellers and particularly
users of the products of traditional preparation
Tongkat Ali is the herb in family Simarousbacaea, also known
as Penawar pahit, Bedara, Tongkat baginda, pasak bumi (Tongkat Ali Hitam) or
Tunjang Bumi according to certain states in Malaysia.
Among the benefits of tongkat Ali is the bitter stock extracted
from the skin of its root which could be ised as a tonic for postnatal mothers.
Besides its root extract usefull to anti malaria activities cuse by protozoa, there is a lot of its benefit and the most popular is it could increase men’s sex performance
Kacip Fatimah Labisia pumila is the herbs from family Myrsinaceae. This herbs is easity found in the primary hilly forest stand.
Besides its root extract usefull to anti malaria activities cuse by protozoa, there is a lot of its benefit and the most popular is it could increase men’s sex performance
Kacip Fatimah Labisia pumila is the herbs from family Myrsinaceae. This herbs is easity found in the primary hilly forest stand.
In traditionally medicine, this herbs is normally boiled and
served as a drink to pregnant women to ease the proce3ss of labor; it could
also effective as a cure to flatulence, dysentery and problems during period
and sex diseases.
Pegaga is the herbs from family Umbelliferae a slender and herbs with long stalked, green kidney-shape leaves.
As cited in Razak Hj Lajiz 1996 said that Petai Parkia
speciosa is very much favoured by Malaysian especially in the villege people.
Despite its pungent smell, it could cure diabetes, heart and kidney disease.
Petai is tall and big tree, which normally grows wild in forest. Ginger Zinger
officinale is also identified to be used in curing kembung perut and could
release gas/ wind in body. Young ginger can be made ulam and could be eaten as
ulam or could be made as juice. It could also cure headaches
Tropical rain forest is among the richest ecosystems in the
world/ the flora is very diverse compared to other types of forest such as the
temperate forest. the three largest tropical rain forest in the world are
located in south America Africa Madagascar and far east region Richards 1952)
as cited in zahari Ibrahim 2005. The most wellknown tropical rain forest are
amazon rain forest western Africa rain forest and indo malesian rain
forestlaocated in three continents along the equatorial line between 23 ° 27'
north and 23° 27' south.
According to Ashton 1964; poore 1968; whitmore 1984 as cited
in zahari Ibrahim 2005 mention that among the continents, indo malesian has
been considered by many ecologist as one of the mosty complex and richest
terrestrial ecosystem in the world. According ti pringle, 1999 as cited in
zahari Ibrahim 2005 mention that indo malesian rainforest represented the
second largest rainforest which is approximately 250 million ha,.
According to Soepadmo 1991 as cited in zahari Ibrahim 2005
said that indo malesian rain forest occupying a total land area of 3 million km
square . no other rain forest contains a greater number of different species
growing together in discrete areas as the indo malesian forest (whitmore 1988).
The tropical rainforests of the indo malesian region consist
of south east asia, papua new guinea and northern part of Australia are widely
known as one of te most species rich and complex terrestrial ecosystems in the
According to Jacobs 1974 and van steenis 1971 as cited in
zahari Ibrahim 2005 described the indo malesian flora as rich and diverse,
having more than 40,000 species of vascular plants. Part of these vascular
plants, more than 36,000 are flowering plants belonging to 266 families and
3,075 genera. According to De Laubenfels 1978 as cited in zahari Ibrahim 2005
said that there are 3,600 ferns and allies representing 35 families and 164
genera and 87 species are conifers which belong to 5 families and 12 genera.
According to Ashton 1964; wyatt smith 1952 as cited in zahari Ibrahim 2005 said
that the family kaum Damar dominated the forest of unsurpassed grandeur in indo
malesian region and is the most abundant of the emergent and tall upper canopy
trees. Indo malesian tropical rainforesta are centres of distribution and
species diversity not only for tropical hardwood timber species but also for
many plant families with highly economic yield such as fruit ornaments rattans
and herbal medicines.
According to liew 1991 as cited in zahari Ibrahim 2005 said
that there are about 2850 species 551 genera and 94 families of herbaceous
flowering plants and abaout 846 species of orchirds recorded in semenanjung
Malaysia. More than 100 endemic species of orchirds and herbs also occur in
semenanjung Malaysia. Thus some of this understorey plants are probably under
estimated because several families are awaiting detailed study.
Forest product plays a significant role in the economics
development of a country especially in foreign exchange earning government
revenues development of local wood based industries and related industries and
employment sectors. For example malaysIa forest are among the most natural
resources that contribute a significant proportion of income to government in
semenanjung Malaysia amounted rm379.9 million. The forestry sector provided 11,864
persons or 14.7 percent were directly employed in timber harvesting operation
(FDPM 1995).
According to chin and lai 1993 as cited in zahari Ibrahim
2005 said that a part from this , the function of forest to stabilized the
environment of country and are a store house of plant and animals. In view of
their richness and diversity forest have been considered to be the centre of
origin and diversity of many present day and future crop plants.
Thus the knowledge on the need to conserve and manage forest
wellness and effectively requires the relative among the varieties plants
families occurance distribustion and the role that forest play in our daily
2.1.1 Forest Types and Formation of Forest Stand
As cited in zahari Ibrahim 2005 said the the area of
tropical rain forest has been estima6ted to be 8.2 million km2 (whitmore, 1988)
or abaout 6 % of land area of the earth iUCN 1990 The FAO 2001 estimated the
total area occupied bt tropical rain forest in 2000 at 2,170 million ha.
Evergreen tropical rain forest can be subdivided in lowland
forest and montane rain forest and mangrove forest alng environmental
fradieants determinate by al tititued physiography substrate and soil water
(whitmore 1988)
Lowland rain forest cover the largest area and they differ
as a result of variation in bed rock soil toporaghy and hydrologi iucn 1990 As
cited in zahari Ibrahim said that the tropical rain forest of malay sia are
highly complex ecosystem rich and varied in plants and animal life .
These forest are not only rich in timber but also home a
wide array of flora and fauna that have significant economic values
In 2001 the total forested land in Malaysia is 20.20 million
ha with 5.94 million ha (29.41%) in Semenanjung Malaysia, 4.42 (21.88%) million
ha in sabah and 9.84 (48.71%) million ha in Sarawak.
In addition to the 20.20 million ha. under forest another
5.27 million ha are under tree crops such as rubber and oil palm and 7.36
million ha of the total area of Malaysia is under other land use such as urban
housing development and infrastructure
The distribution of Malaysia forest area by major types in
2001 were 17.91 (88.66%) million ha of family kaum Damar forest lowland hilly
upper hilly and montane forest 1.46 (7.23%) million ha of swamp forest , 0.58
(2.87%) million ha of forest land area are gazzetted as national Parks and
wildlife sanctuaries.
Approximately 0.74 million ha are gazette in Semenanjung
malaysia 58.11% equal to 434300 ha national parks; 41.89 % wildlife sanctuaries ; 0.41 million
ha (60.97%) national parks; 39.02% wildlife sanctuaries in sabah and 0.1
million ha (70%) - national Parks; 30% wildlife sanctuaries in Sarawak (Anon
According to Bidin and latif 1984; 1995 as cited in Zahari
Ibrahim 2005 said that about 1082 species from 7000 species of angiosperm and
600 ferns have medicinal active elements.
According to Burkhill 1966 as cited in Zahari Ibrahim 2005
mention that more than 1300 plants are being used in traditional
medicinal. Soepadmo 1991 as cited in
Zahari Ibrahim 2005 stated that about 1200 species of seed plants in
Semenanjung Malaysia and 2000 species in
Sabah and Sarawak are reported to have medicinal values
The use of plant material in traditional medicinal is
popular among the local rural communities especially the melayu, aborigines and
other indigenous tribes.
Nowaday the use of plant materials for medicinal plants and
health food products has expanded worldwide. The health product market in
Malaysia is growing at about 15 percent per year. It has been reported that the
market value of plant based medicines (pharmaceuticals and herbal care products
) in Malaysia had exceeded rm 1 billion in 1998 and traditional medicine
recorded an annual sale of rm 2 billion (Anon 1998).
As cited in Zahari ibrahim 2005 said that the current well
known medicinal plants are Tongkat Ali Eurycoma longifolia. Kacip Fatimah
Labisia pumila, mengkudu Morinda citrifolia, Pegaga Centella asiatica, hempedu
bumi Andrographis paniculata, Serai wangi Cymbopogon nardus and Dukung Anak
Phyllanthus niruri are widely recognized as the important components of the
biodiversity. These medicinal plants have been increasingly harvested and are
used extensively as a vital ingredient for production of pharmaceuticals and
herbal care products. The study by Kumari et al 1998 as cited in Zahari Ibrahim
2005 showed that most of the raw material required by industries are
extensively and exclusively collected from the natural forests.
Nowaday Tongkat Ali is considered as one of the most popular
medicinal plants and is gaining well recognition in Malaysia. It is being over
exploited due to its high popularity as a potential herbal medicine and high
demand in market. Therefore it is being harvested and used extensively as a
vital ingredient for medicinal herb products. The occurrence and distribution
of Tongkat Ali in Malaysia is scarce well documented and it is declining in the
forests shading.
According to Whitmore 1993 as cited in Zahari Ibrahim 2005
mention that most of the tropical rain forest trees are living under their
group or associated with them. The idea of association is very important and
implies that certain spesies are found growing together in certain location and
environment more frequently than would be expected by chance and other groups
of species will grow together in other environment (Kent and Coker 1997).
The fact that certain species grow together in a particular
environment is perhaps because they have similar requirements for existence in
terms of environmental factors such as light, temperature, water, drainage,
soil and nutrients uptake. Growth of vegetation in forest ecosystem is
influenced by physiological and environmental factors.
A study by Ashton 1964,1965 in north Borneo indicated that
soil nutrient played a dominating role in influencing vegetation composition
and distribution of tropical tree flora. Hall and Swaine 1976 as cited in
Zahari Ibrahim 2005 observed that rainfall distribution and soil types as the
major factors influencing species diversity. Several studies conducted on
Tongkat Ali species focused mainly on the medicinal value of its roots (Chan
et. al 1995, Kardono et. al 1991, Itokawa et. al 1992 and Morita et. al 1990).
An investigation made by mohd Azmi and Awang nor 2000 on 28
malaysian Traditional medicine industries in northern Semenanjung Malaysia /
Tanah jawi showed that the requirement of Tongkat Ali by vendors was about
54,189 kg per year and all forms of the raw materials came from the forest
shading. Generally most of the raw materials required by the industries are
collected from the natural forests.
According to latif 1989 as cited in Zahari Ibrahim 2005 said
that over collection of Tongkat Ali has been observed in langkawi island and
Kedah Darul Aman. If this over exploitation are not control wellness may be
will cause to the extince of Tongkat Ali in future. Thus the manner in
harvesting of Tongkat Ali that growing wellness and healthy in forest shading
of meranti merah are compulsory to pursuit in the sustainable usages of herbs
in future.
IUCN 1993 in the guidelines for the conservation and
sustainable use of medicinal plants are taken from the wild, they are taken on
sustainable basis. The guideline also addressed the cultivation activities that
will protected and enhance genetic diversity of this species.
Referred to Aiken and leigh 1992 as cited in Zahari Ibrahim
2005 said that forest stand in Malaysia are far from being uniform related to
physical factors and migrational history of malesian flora. There is a well
defined altitudinal zoniation of vegetation migrational history of flora with
respect to physical barriers isolation and the emergence of endemics variations
in lithology soils, topography and precipitation/ water availability and
natural disturbances such as landslide cause by logging operation.
According to Kobahyashi et. al 1996 as cited in Zahari
Ibrahim 2005 said that vegetation association in forest ecosystem is influenced
by soil and climatic factors and therefor any difference in soil properties
will affect both the forest composition and its growth rate indefinitely
(Binkley and fisher 2000)
The significance of physical soil characteristics in
influencing vegetative composition in tropical rain forest has been widely
acknowleged. The physical properties of soils which include texture, structure,
density, porosity, strength, temperature and hue colour are dominant
factors that affect tree growth. These properties determine the availability of
oxygen in the soils, the mobility of water flow thru soils and the ease of root
penetration. Physical properties can be described by physical measurement such
as strength, temperature and weight. Soil tecture controls water content, water
intake rates , aeration, root penetration and some chemical properties.
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