Sunday, 8 April 2012


Measurement for research project

Satisfaction with Performance Appraisal Feedback (Performance Rating)

Dulebohn & Ferris (1999)

Likert Scale (1 = strongly disagree and 4 = strongly agree)

1.   The supervisor considered the important aspect of your work when rating you

2.   The supervisor rated you on how well you did your job, not on his/her personal opinion of you

3.   The supervisor treated you with consideration when giving you your performance appraisal results.

Likert Scale (1 = not at all and 4 = very much)

1.   Overall how hard did the supervisor who rated your performance try to be fair with you?

Sweeny & McFarlin (1997)

Likert Scale (1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree)

1.   There are adequate procedures to get my performance rating reconsidered if necessary

2.   My performance rating presents a fair and accurate picture of my actual job performance

Job Satisfaction (attitude - ABC)

Brayfield and Rothe (1951) – Overall Job Satisfaction

Likert Scale (1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree)

1.   My job is like a hobby to me

2.   My job is usually interesting enough to keep me from getting bored

3.   It seems that my friends are more interested in their jobs (R)

4.   I consider my job rather unpleasant (R)

5.   I enjoy my work more than my leisure time

6.   I am often bored with my job (R)

7.   I feel fairly well satisfied with my present job

8.   Most of the time i have to force myself to go to work (R)

9.   I am satisfied with my job for the time being

10.                     I feel that my job is no more interesting than others I could get

11.                     I definitely dislike my job (R)

12.                     I feel that i am happier in my work than most other people

13.                     Most days i am enthusiastic about my work

14.                     Each day of work seems like it will never end (R)

15.                     I like my job better than the average worker does

16.                     My job is pretty uninteresting (R)

17.                     I find real enjoyment in my work

18.                     I am disappointed that I ever took this job (R)

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